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Ethics and Standards



  Prince George’s County borders the nation’s capital and represents the best of America.  Highly diverse, both in people and in the mix of urban, suburban and rural areas, it is a gateway to the nation.  It is a county where minorities are the majority; where many who once were excluded from halls of learning and government now direct them; where the American Dream is possible--because it is built every day. 

 Yet, this county has long borne the yoke of poor leadership.  Decade after decade, it has been hampered by short-sighted and self-serving individuals, who seem to forget both the voters—and their ethics—upon being entrusted with office. 

The hard-working, bill-paying, tax-paying citizens of Prince George’s County deserve leaders who reflect their standards. 

For this reason, we the people of Prince George’s County are setting forth a list of commitments we are asking every person seeking office—or working in a public setting—to adhere to. 

1.  Universal respect  for each person, and for all cultures, abilities, beliefs, and languages.

2.  Environmental stewardship.  Preventing damage and improving care of the land, water, and living elements, are crucial.

3.  Honesty, transparency, in all things.  Hiding and secrecy is incompatible with public trust.

4.  Financial accountability.  A public official should not be getting rich in office, nor should they be trading favors for a future sinecure.  Your finances should be clear and able to withstand scrutiny.

5.  Development should be assessed by the Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet, Profit.  If any of these are made worse, the project should be refused.

6.  Universal engagement. Good leaders seek to engage every part of the community: private business, public agencies, educators, faith leaders, volunteers.   

7.  Public benefit.  Policies, decisions and regulation should empower and advance the entire community, in constructive directions, for the present and the future. 

8.  Lifelong Education.  Every man, woman and child should be enabled to learn, grow and develop knowledge and skills, regardless of age, circumstance or origin.

9.  Arts and Culture.  The creative interests, abilities, literacy and skills should be fostered, and public activities should promote artistic and innovative production.

10.  Consensus. Proposals, discussions and decisions should be Open, Fair, Reflect citizen input, and develop through consensus

11. Public Trust. Ignoring, silencing or disenfranchising citizens indicates a fundamental disregard for constituents, and violates the public trust.  Public officials who seek self-benefit above public benefit show themselves unworthy of office.


  We ask that candidates and office holders commit to these standards and principles in their personal, professional and civic conduct. 

I agree with these standards
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